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in Health by (8.1k points)
Testicular cancer can affect a man's sex drive in a number of ways, both physiologically and psychologically. It is important to note, however, that the effects may be individual and depend on a number of factors, such as the stage of the disease, treatment methods, the man's psychological response and other circumstances.

Physiological effects: Cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can affect testicular function and hormone levels, including testosterone. Testosterone levels may decrease as a result of treatment, which can lead to decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and reduced overall sexual activity.

Psychological effects: A cancer diagnosis and treatment can cause stress, depression and anxiety, which can affect psychological wellbeing and sexual performance. A man may experience anxiety about his physical attractiveness and fear of losing sexual function, which may reduce his interest in sex.

Specific effects of treatment: Some cancer treatments can adversely affect sexual function. For example, surgical removal of the testicles (orchidectomy) or other procedures can affect sperm production and hormone levels.

Body image changes: Cancer treatment may be associated with changes in body image, such as weight loss, changes in appearance, and other physical changes. These changes can affect confidence and attractiveness.

It is important to note that the effects may be temporary or permanent, and the impact on sexual function may be unique to each individual. Support from medical professionals is important, as is psychological support and an open dialogue with your partner about how to deal with any difficulties.

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