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in Science by (8.1k points)
Making a paper airplane that flies far depends on several factors, such as choosing the right design, folding accuracy, and control. Here are instructions for creating a paper airplane that can fly far:


A piece of A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch paper (regular writing paper works well).


Start with a piece of paper in a horizontal orientation (lying down).

Fold the paper in half along its long side to create a rectangle. Make sure there are no visible creases.

Unfold the paper and then fold it along the long side again, but this time fold it in half in the other direction to create an even longer, narrower rectangle.

Unfold the paper again and carefully align it so that you have a uniform rectangle.

Now fold the paper in half along the short side. This will become the central axis of your airplane.

Open the paper and fold the top corners towards the center axis so that they meet on it. This will create a swept wing shape.

Fold the paper again along the center axis to secure the swept wing shape.

Now you have the base of the airplane. Play with the ends of the wing to adjust its balance. The greater the upward angle, the more the front of the plane will rise, which can help improve flight.

If you want, you can add a "tail" by folding out a small piece of paper on the back of the plane. This can improve flight stability.

After completing all the paper airplane adjustments, make sure that all the folds are well aligned and that the airplane has a symmetrical shape.

Now your paper airplane is ready to fly. Try to take it off by throwing it forward with an upward tilt.

This is a basic paper airplane design and you can experiment with it to achieve maximum flight distance. This includes adjusting the angle of the wing and tail, and experimenting with throw force.

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