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in Science by (8.1k points)
Microwave waves emitted by household microwave ovens have a frequency of about 2.45 GHz. These waves are mainly for heating food, and the oven is equipped with a metal screen and mesh on the door to prevent radiation leakage.

If the screen or protective mesh is damaged or removed, microwave waves can begin to escape from the oven and propagate into the surrounding space. However, their radius of propagation will be limited by several factors:

Source power: A microwave oven typically has a power rating of about 600-1200 watts. This is enough for the radiation to propagate a few meters, but the intensity of the waves decreases with distance.

Attenuation in air: Microwave waves scatter rapidly in the air and lose energy as they move away from the source. Typically, at a distance of a few meters from the source, their power decreases significantly.

Obstructions: Walls, furniture, and other objects also absorb and reflect microwave waves, reducing their propagation range.

Hazard: If a microwave oven is not protected and radiation leaks out, it can be dangerous to your health, especially if you are close to the source. Radiation can damage eyes and skin with prolonged exposure.

If the integrity of the screen or mesh on the microwave door is compromised, it is unsafe to use the microwave oven and should be discontinued immediately.

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