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in Science by (8.1k points)
Google has long claimed that its Incognito mode lets you "browse privately." But this could not be further from the truth. Incognito mode does little more than hide your browsing history from other users of your device. In fact, Chrome's Incognito mode disclaimer has long admitted that your employer and the websites you visit can still track your activity.

But that was never the whole story. Google conveniently omitted that it was also collecting your data from the websites that use its analytics tools — which is more than half of the Internet.

Now, after a $5 billion lawsuit, Google is having to come clean about its role in spying on users in Incognito mode. This is a win for transparency, but it still does not mean much for privacy. Our advice: do not trust Incognito mode and its false but oh-so-tempting promise.

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