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in Linux by (8.1k points)

Firebase is a suite of tools for building apps on top of Google Cloud Platform. It's most famous for its realtime database, but also includes services for user authentication, serverless computing, push messaging, file storage, and more. https://fireship.io/pro #databases #tech #100SecondsOfCode This video is NOT sponsored. Resources Firebase http://firebase.google.com/ Firebase Basics Tutorial    • Firebase - Back to the Basics   Firebase History https://medium.com/firebase-developer... Get More Content - Upgrade to PRO Upgrade to Fireship PRO at https://fireship.io/pro Use code lORhwXd2 for 25% off your first payment. My Editor Settings - Atom One Dark - vscode-icons - Fira Code Font Topics Covered What is Firebase? Firebase basics tutorial Who founded firebase? Is Firebase owned by Google? What is Firebase used for? Is Firebase secure?

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